Family Owned and Operated by Johnny, Sonny and Lisa Williams

Wednesday Night Open Barrels & Jackpot
May 22, 29 June 5, 12, 19, 26 July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Registration Begins: 6:00pm` Warm-Up: 6:30-7:00pm` Practice Begins: 7:00pm
The Top 3 Contestants with the Fastest Time of the night will have first preference in securing their entry for the following Battle of the Beast event.
This will be our 20th year hosting the Wednesday Night Jackpots. These events are a great approach to schooling, getting your horse acquainted with a new arena as well as an excellent opportunity to meet many wonderful people. Exhibition Runs: $5.00, Jack Pot Entry Fees: $30 (50% payback, 3 monies paid, 50,30,20%). A $15.00 gate fee will be charged for any horse on the premises that chooses not to participate. Any Jackpot participant 14 yrs and older must participate in the Jackpot in order to be eligible to compete in the 3D. Jackpot Money Earners are not eligible for 3D Jackpot.
Second Round 3-D Jackpot-Ages 13 and younger
Once the first Jackpot has been completed, we will offer an optional second round “3d Jackpot” for anyone 13yrs and younger, as well as any non-money winners from the first Jackpot. Entry fees for the 3d Jackpot are $15.00 with a 50% payback with a payout of three monies (50%, 30%, 20%).
Battle of the Beast Top 3 Qualifying Night
If you have one of the Top 3 Fastest Times of any of the Wednesday qualifying nights, highlighted above in “Maroon”, you will have first preference in securing your entry for the following Battle of the Beast event. (Qualifying nights are the, Wednesday Prior to the Battle of the Beast Event), see dates above and attached calendar. You must confirm you entry that night, before you leave if you want to reserve or forfeit your position. If you decide to accept and would then need to turn out you must TEXT 301-748-4809 by 12:00pm, day of the event.
or email
We believe in supporting our Wednesday Night investors. It has always been our goal to provide our fans with the best of the best in our bull riding and barrel racing competition and more importantly to show our appreciation to our loyal supporters and feel this new qualifying system will do and show just that!