Family Owned and Operated by Johnny, Sonny and Lisa Williams

Battle of the Beast Events
From Bull Riding to Cowgirl's Barrel Racing, Breakaway Roping and Team Roping as well as Mutton Bustin', we'll have you on the edge of your seats for sure!

Bull Riding
With all the unpredictable danger and excitement, it's no wonder Bull Riding is the very last event at a full-fledged Rodeo. We have taken this last event and turned it into two hours of on the edge entertainment.
Professional bull riding is the hottest, fastest growing extreme spectator sport going. Across America, towns of all sizes and cities of all demographics are hosting professional bull riding events.
Bull riding has proven to have a unique ability to draw urban and suburban spectators. The profound population of the Northeast territory bolsters the success of the fastest growing extreme spectator sport in the United States.
Bull riding is the most popular and dangerous rodeo event. Serious injuries occur more often in this event than any other sport. These fearless animals can add injury by trying to trample or gore a fallen rider. They are most dangerous as well in the chute, where their leaning weight can easily break a rider's leg.
The rider's are equipped with a flat braided rope that is looped like a noose around the animal's girth. The cowboy will tie himself to the back of the bull with this rope. He does this by putting his hand, with knuckles down, through a loose braided handhold. He then makes one wrap around his hand with the rope, pulling tight. A riding glove, tightly strapped spurs and a protective vest, complete the necessary riding gear.
When he feels the bull is standing squarely, he nods for the chute gate. With toes turned he attempts to stay on the buckin' bull through his grip on the rope and the strength of his legs. Spurring isn't required, although extra points will be given.
Control, form and spurring make up for an outstanding ride. As long as the cowboy doesn't touch the bull with his free hand and still has his riding hand on some part of the rope at the end of the 8 seconds, he will be judged on how well he rode and how well the bull bucked. Even if a bull rider makes a complete 8 seconds ride, his score must be in the top eight to place.
Cowgirl Barrel Racing
This is the only rodeo event exclusively for women, but that doesn't mean it's docile. Obviously most women lack the physical attributes for riding bulls, bareback, or steer wrestling, however many of these ladies can get more out of a trained horse than can their menfolk.
With that in mind the women invaded the world of rodeo in the late 1940's with a three cornered contest of speed called 'Barrel Racing'. Winning this event takes a well-trained athletic horse and a highly skilled rider.
Relatively simple in scope: a three-sided course is laid out using 55 gallon drums for markers. The cowgirl races her horse in a cloverleaf pattern around the course and is timed during her expedition. With every second counting, she must make tight turns around each barrel.
The contestant can touch or even move the barrel but will be give a five second penalty for each barrel tipped over. She must properly complete the pattern or will be disqualified.
The difference between first and second place is often in the hundredths of a second, a five second penalty will put the competitor out of the money.
It would seem all you would have to do would be to buy a horse off the racetrack and go on to winning the barrel racing. Realistically that is not the case. It is extremely difficult to teach a horse to run flat out, collect himself, turn 180 degrees then repeat the process in two opposite directions twice more while running the same course.
Because of the difficulty involved in finding a horse with the characteristics of speed, agility and trainability, barrel racing horses often change hands for four digit figures.

Mutton Bustin'
'My Hero's Have Always Been Cowboys'
Mutton Bustin’ is the only rodeo event that could be described as adorable. It is the most frequently talked about event at our ranch. We get hundreds of children who wish to participate in this event each year. Unfortunately, time only allows us to give 2 classes of 6 contestants the opportunity to compete for each show.
The 2 classes are divided between, Jr. class, those that are at least 4ys old and under 50 lbs. Sr. class, which are those children 51-70 lbs.
Each Mutton Buster must grasp onto the wool of their sheep and ride for the qualified six seconds. Each qualified ride is given a score, with the highest score winning the event. Each winner of the Jr class during the summer events will return for the series finals to compete for the J-W Champion Buckle.
There is a $5 entry fee for the Sr. class. This class competes for a cash price given at each event. Sorry, no event or belt buckle at final show.
To enter this event, parents need to go to the upper end of the arena to the small announcer stand to register your child for a chance to ride. Names will be taken between 5:00 and 6:30. Names for each of the 2 classes will be selected and posted at 6:45. At that time, if your child has been chosen, you need to sign a Release of Liability Form.
Mutton Bustin’ takes place later in the show, just before intermission.